Nonsense I Heard

Someone told me last nite that he's living a day at a time and that pissed me off immediately. For the simple reason - You do not have a gf doesn't mean you will die. Living a day at a time is for people who is critically ill. Not having a freaking gf does not qualify u for that.

Why? Will u die without love or sex? It's obvious that u have not been thro hardships and have lived a smooth sailing life. Life is not just about having a gf or a bf. Start showing some care for others and for ur family. If u think not having a gf means u'll live life a day at a time, then pls.. Don't tell me. Coz it will only piss me off.

My aunt is struggling in the hospital, fighting to live, fighting to see her youngest daughter grad from uni. That is living a day at a time coz u never know what will happen tomorrow. Jus like I used to fear for my dad when he was in the hospital. He lived, a day at a time, fighting to survive. Not having a freaking gf won't kill u, so pls grow up!

I'm pissed and cynical. Yes, I am. I might have lost my parents, my life has never been smooth sailing and so is my family's. But I've never felt that I must be discouraged nor feel that I'll take life a day at a time. I live my life to the fullest. I care for people around me, especially my family. I won't allow people to look down on me or pity me coz I know there are others out there who's had tougher lives than me.

So pls, just grow up and be more mature. Coz I won't pity u jus coz u have no freaking gf. And by the way, I don't care if u read my blog and know that I'm talking about u, coz it's how I feel. If you don't like it, so be it. And if u wanna lose this friendship, then so be it too. Coz I'm only being honest.


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