I'm not a fool..

I'm not stupid, neither am I a fool. Don't lie to me and tell me things when I know they aren't true. Just tell me the truth. I'm not dumb. I can sense it when things are not right. Do I look stupid to u? I may not have graduated from a local Uni, may not have 2nd upper class honours, but that does not make me dumb nor stupid nor any less clever than others.

Whatever. Lie to me. Treat me as an idiot. Maybe I am. A klutz, a donkey, an airhead, a numskull, a blockhead, an ass, a dodo, a dimwit, a goon, a dumbbell, a dumdum. Whatever. So be it.

The only 2 things that managed to brighten up my day was the fact that the minute I reached office, I saw a note from my beloved princess, Bernicia. Haven't seen my little sis for ages and it was really great to see her note 1st thing in the morning. Was sweet and nice. Miss my little dearest.

2nd thing was that Meng actually read my previous post and sms-ed me from Dubai. Thanx bro! Wish I can go Dubai.. But sighz.. How does Dec sound to u? Provided I still have $$ after my Egypt trip in Oct. Hehe. Wish I can meet up with u and just relax, just like we always do when we hang out. Missing those beautiful Saturday mornings at MacDonalds with Shuang.. Just the 3 of us chatting n laughing away. The fun we had.. The fun we still have when we go out. :)

So much anger and fury in me at being lied to. But what's there that I can do? I'm a moron, remember? My emotions do not count. Other people's emotions do.

It's just like how friendships come and go. I realised I'm no longer close to some of the people in office anymore. Which is why I'm becoming more and more of a loner. I know the only true friends I have in office are Zoey, Bee and Felix. The rest are merely acquaintances who just come and go in my life. No one is there to stay forever. This much I believe in. No matter how close u were in the past, talking everyday on the phone, hanging out together, etc. Things will change eventually.

Not sure if the people I'm talking about in this post still read my blog and even know who I am talking about. But whatever. I'm just an imbecile typing this post who no longer wanna care about what the world thinks or will do.

Not having much of an appetite these days. Been only eating 1 meal a day or at most 2 and most of the time, I skip dinner. Even if I eat, I don't eat much. I'm becoming immortal. Oh no, it's not immortal, it's stupidity.

Call me nincompoop.


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