Care & Concern

Ok.. Changing my original 1st line. Guys tell me that they have a special feeling when they know me and that they find me to be the girl in their life. Someone they wanna get to know better and develop a relationship with.. Maybe marry. Yes, it makes me feel good.. Makes me happy to know that there are people out there who truly think the world of me.

But I can't help wondering.. What makes people think I'm special and that I'm the one? I have no idea.. I don't even know what I did to make guys like me. Is it based on looks? I'm not that pretty. Is it based on height which makes me more noticeable? There are many girls taller than me. I absolutely have no clue..

I feel that when guys are trying to woo a girl, they tend to neglect something.. Something called care and concern. After some time, care and concern no longer tend to exist. It's like, the guy used to call u 3 times a day.. And he stops calling for various reasons claiming to be busy. Then, it gets to a point that u start calling him and he finds you to be irritating or that you are checking on him.

Care and concern is out of the picture in time to come. Not a good feeling to girls. So guys, pls.. Treat girls better by showing more care and concern. Where are you when a girl needs you by her side? Do you even think of the girl from time to time? I wonder..

We are just a phone call away or even an sms away. There are so many forms of communication these days.. Sms, calls, msn, friendster, email, even the latest facebook. Show some care and concern for your loved ones today.. There aren't that many tomorrows coz you never know what might happen tomorrow.

Footnote: From Adrian who told me something meaningful after reading this post thro msn...
"It's always nice to receive a call or sms like 'how are you today', esp when you are having a bad day".. To add on to that, its is true.. Not only when u r having a bad day, but when u need to share your happiness and grievances, it is always good to receive that sort of sms from the person u like or love. Thanx Adrian for the inspirational thought! :)


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