
Had a very bad day today. Was unhappy since morning.. So much so that I actually cried in office. More like sobbing but not uncontrollably. K.. More like teared a bit..

All I did was ask a simple question regarding the common drive disk space. What I had was more than an answer. I was being rebutted and misunderstood.. Criticised even. It really hurt.. To be wrongly accused. Not the 1st time anyway but somehow, it was a bit hard to handle. Teared during lunch.. Sighz..

Edmund gor was the 1st person to see me cry and he was very concerned. Wanted to tell him but didn't want to create trouble in office so just kept quiet and swallowed my unhappiness. But no matter how well I tried to be normal, quite a few of them felt it. Agnes, Lynette..

Dunno why I'm taking it so bad. Not the 1st time I'm being accused by this person. Not the 1st time we've had misunderstandings. Maybe this time round, I read too much into it which is why I feel so hurt. Shall not dwell on it anymore. When I wake up tomorrow, everything will be back to normal.

Been going to Instinct the last 2 days. Will be going to Dragonfly tomorrow. Drink my sorrows away.. :p Nah.. Not so stupid to torture myself. But I don't drink a lot so it's ok. Will know my limit and take care of myself. :)


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