No Eating and Drinking on MRT!

Haven't blogged in a while. Think my life is getting to such a routine that I have nothing interesting to write about.

But there was 1 day where I was pissed by the lousy and sucky attitudes of certain people on the train. There was this guy who boarded the train at the same stop as me in the morning. We were standing at the door and he was right next to the "No eating and drinking" sign. That idiot of a guy opened the bottle of ice lemon tea that he bought at the 7-11 at the MRT station and started drinking away!

Being me, I couldn't help but remarked that some people are asses and know they should not drink on the train but yet still do it. He took another swig of the drink again and I glared at him til he didn't dare do it again. Come on! Why can't they jus understand the logic of not drinking on the train? Sighz..

Then when I crossed the platform to board the next train, another guy drank from his water bottle. ARGH!!!! And on the same day, when I was on the train after work, some guy with 2 huge luggage bags dropped his bottle of water on the train and the whole MRT was wet and water was streaming around on the floor! SEE!! That's why there's the no drinking or eating sign on the MRT! The floor of the train was wet and everyone was trying to avoid the water!

Can't understand why some people jus can't have simple basic common sense. Sighz..


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