
A lot of people think that me, being without parents, should be very very carefree and that I have tonnes of money coz I don't have to give allowance to parents anymore. They think that I have a house of my own, I'm collecting rental = I am rich. Sorry to disappoint all, but I am not rich. The inside story of my life, I don't think I wanna share.

I still have my gram whom I give allowance to, whom I still worry about. My gram hasn't been doing well for about a month already. She's refusing to eat, refusing to even get out of bed. She hasn't been eating.. All she does is sleep. Even when we visit her, she refuses to open her eyes to look at us.

I really dunno what's wrong with gram. I'll visit her this Saturday and if she's really not good, we'll send her to the hospital. How the hospital can help, I really dunno coz gram is senile and if she doesn't even wanna look at anyone or talk to anyone, how is anyone able to help? Sighz..

Really at a lost as to what to do, or how I can even help my gram. Does visiting her help? I really dunno.. I don't want anything bad to happen to her.. I can't bear for her to leave me. It's only been a year since daddy left.. It's too soon if she goes..

Gram has always been my pillar of support. She took care of me and saw me grow up. She was the one who was extremely strict with me but build me to who I am today. If she goes, be prepared to see me devastated and destroyed. I'll be crushed to a point where I won't be able to recognise or know myself.

Pls pls.. Don't let this day come so soon.. I won't be able to take it..


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