Who do I thank?

While showering, I suddenly thought of something and what I realised made me sad..

At weddings, the newly weds will thank their parents for bringing them up, etc etc. And I realised that if I ever get married, who will I thank? Will my parents hear me thanking them?

As Mother's Day draws nearer, my emotions start to stir yet again. Am I getting old coz my emotions are becoming sadder and more depressing each day? I gave flowers to the mothers in my office. But yet, I can't give my own mum anything..

19 years since she left me.. People who know her looks at me and tells me I look like her. They all say they see my mummy in me. They tell me that my mummy was pretty. My mummy will always be pretty in my heart. I know I am nowhere close compared to her.

Last week I was missing my dad.. This week, I am missing my mum.. It sucks to be an orphan..


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