Wrong Medication

Unbelievably, I've been on medical leave for 4 days. In June, I was on medical leave for a whole week due to pharynghitis. Not a particularly healthy year for me for sure. Gotta move my arse to keep fit and healthy from now on. Can't be slack anymore for the sake of my own health.

Sigh.. But what's the point of taking medical leave when I've been working from home everyday? :( Especially today, I was online the whole day working. How depressing. Is my work really more important than my own life and health? Hmmmm...

I think I could have recovered faster if I had gone to see my usual doctor on Monday rather than to the clinic opposite my house. But I was too sick to go so far to see my usual doctor (her clinic is near my office area). So I went to the doctor opposite my house who is normally not that bad either. Little did I know that this time, he wasn't too good! :(

With fever and flu and telling him that I can't sleep much at night due to the blocked nose and painful body, he said he would prescribe me medicine that can make me drowsy and sleep. And he wanted to give me medical leave for Monday only! Luckily I asked for another day's medical leave just in case coz I still couldn't sleep on Monday night after the medication and my fever still didn't subside.

So on Wednesday when my medical leave ran out and I still couldn't sleep on Tuesday night, I dragged myself to work feeling really awful. Was chased home by my boss in office so I decided to pay a visit to my usual doctor. After showing her the medication from the other doctor, she told me that the flu medication prescribed to me was to keep me alert and awake!!! No wonder I couldn't sleep for 3 nights and felt sooooo awful!!!

Thank goodness I decided to go to another doctor or I would still be feeling shitty right now. I finally managed to sleep through the night yesterday and I feel so much better now. Phew.. So it's back to work tomorrow and I'm gonna have an early night tonight. :) Hooray to being back to normal soon!


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