Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th. How was ur day? Mine.. Was jus.. Indescribable..

I was busy the whole morning at work. Screwed up some stuff and found out at my most hectic hour - 2pm Sg time. I was in such a state of panic that I was almost in tears and breaking out in sweat. Thanks to 1 of the sales guys I am close to aka Ding Ding and most definitely to the guys in my team - G & N for helping me out, and to my spot trader S for not blaming me too much.

Managed to resolve the issue after an hour and thanks to my team mates for not blaming me at all! Feel really blessed and touched for their help!! Was so worried and stressed that I had a headache and felt like puking. Phew!! Was busy the whole day after that.

Then.. I had an argument with Eeyore. Sigh... Sometimes words can be ugly even more so when the words are phrased as accusations. :( don't wanna talk or think about it anymore. Just wish for more understanding sometimes and not make my day worse than it already was.. Why is it so hard?

Anyway, dinner with El, Irene and Cher. Thanks for the lovely pressie and the nice dinner! Makes the horrible day better with friends and good team mates. Maybe that's really all that I need in life..

Life goes on.. Hope ur Friday the 13th was a lot better than mine!!!


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