Europe Part 1 - London 5-7 Nov 2011

Here comes Part 1 of my loooooong overdue Europe trip post!! Once again, I'll try to let my pics do the talking. :)

05 Nov - 14 hour flight to London!! Stayed at Eeyore's bro's (W) place. Poor W had to sleep on the couch while we were there. So sorry!!!!

Beautiful clouds in the sky!

Snow on the window halfway through the flight!!

Eeyore and I on the plane - I was super tired but refused to sleep! Look at the eyelids!

1st time I see a London cab!

06 Nov - Outlet shopping day!!!!

The view when I looked out of the window the moment I woke up!! Gorgeous!!

Check out the porthole window - that's the living room window!! Feels like you are living in a submarine!

Hahaha - Can't help taking this photo - the workplace! Right where I was staying! This is taken from the ground floor of the apartment. :)

Baker Street Tube Station - Sherlock Holmes on the wall!!

Train ticket to Bichester Village for Outlet Shopping! :DDD

Night view of Bichester Village!

07 Nov - Buckingham Palace day + watching a play in London! Watched "Woman in Black". Nice!!! Wanted "Wicked" instead but no tickets.. :(

Greenwich Building where GMT is!

Changing of Guards at Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Princess Diana Memorial Walk

Can't remember what's what..

Chinese Lunch @ Four Seasons Roast Duck Specialist (Chinatown)

This is 5pm! Look at how dark it is! Beautiful monuments!

Time for "Woman in Black" @ Fortune Theatre!

Yoghurt for supper at a place called "Snog"! Cute!!

After which, home sweet home to bed as it's an early morning to Paris!!
Til the next post!! :)


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