Elusive 5 years

5 years have passed.. Every passing minute of everyday, I feel as if I have wasted my time and my youth. I thought that my hardwork would pay off, that I would reap the fruits of what I have sowed. But no, 5 years in a row, my fruits have eluded me. Why? I really wonder why I am still persisting. After 5 years, is it time for me to really let it go and move on to something else?

I'm confused. I dunno. This year's zodiac sign is bad. Economy downturn is happening. Do I be reckless or should I carry on? I have dedicated so much of my time and life here. What am I gonna do? The promise that it will happen this year was broken. Promises are really meant to be broken? Always telling me to wait another year. How many more years of my life do I have to give and offer? I'm not getting young anymore. I don't want to be stagnant...

I drank beer during lunch. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed a drink. I had to de-stress. It felt good. Couldn't be bothered anymore. Left on the dot. Really really tired..

Luckily I had told Lynnie that I would be going to her place after work to visit her and her newborn, Kaelyn. Not to mention, the cutie Kayden. Wonderful catchup session and most importantly, I had a lot of fun with the 2 lovely children, making me laugh and forgetting all my sadness. :) Thanks Lynnie, Kayden and Kaelyn! Some pics of the sweetie Kaelyn.

A pic that a good friend, Stevo, sent to me from Sydney. No photoshopping on the pic. Beautiful and surreal. :D

Lastly, 2 lovely pics of Ed gor's twins that never cease to brighten my day and cheer me up everytime I'm unhappy. They are so adorable and I love the pic where they are holding on to each other. Sweet!!!

Ok, I think I feel a lot better now after ranting, having the baby smell on me and seeing so many lovely pics! :) Shall not dwell on it for now since I'm going on leave soon. Will leave the thinking to when I'm on leave.


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