
Weekend's come and gone... Ever so quickly. Sighz.. Today marks the last day of Chinese New Year and to conclude, I had lo hei for 10 times this year. Haha. It's such an incredible number that it sounds exaggerated. Counting my 10 times:
(1) With Stef, Eevon n Jean at Geylang "No Signboard" restaurant
(2) With my department people for Chinese New Year lunch
(3), (4) & (5) At my aunt's place on the 2nd & 3rd day of Chinese New Year
(6) At Carissa's place
(7) At my aunt's place on the 7th day of Chinese New Year
(8) At lunch with dealers
(9) At SCOO dialogue
(10) At my cousin's place just now
So that's my 10 times in total. Amazing ehz? Haha. Anyway, I have yet to open the red packets that I collected for this new year. I know most people have already opened theirs, but I like to wait til the 15 days of Chinese New Year is over before I open them. Haha.

Flying to Hong Kong in 2 days' time, but I've yet to pack my luggage. Haha. I'm bound to panic tomorrow but I'm simply too lazy and tired to move. I'm enjoying lying on my bed, listening to my mp3 and typing my blog to wanna move. :p I'll just have to come home earlier tomorrow from work and start packing. Sighz.. Think I'm gonna miss my baby again though I know I'll enjoy my trip.

Talking about my dear.. We wanted to celebrate Valentine's Day yesterday as I won't be in town for the day. In the end, we only had time to go Orchard to buy socks for my trip and to collect my voucher. He bought me a bouquet of roses after almost 3 years of non-receipt of flowers. Felt good to finally receive flowers from my love. We also bought a new pair of rings. That's my third ring from my dear. Haha. Anyway, here's a pic of the flowers that he gave me.

Irvin's flying off to London tonight for 3 months for training and work. Wish I can do that too although I know I'll definitely miss my baby like crazy. But it's a good opportunity to learn and gain experience. Did some survey recently and I put in the survey form that I don't mind travelling regional and working overseas. Hope I get some good opportunities knocking on my door soon but I'll definitely be fussy over where I'm posted to. Haha.

Ok.. Gonna end now. Wanna play some games before I knock out til tomorrow morning for work. Guess the next time I blog will be when I'm back from Hong Kong. :) Don't miss me too much folks! Haha.


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