Leaving soon..

Chinese New Year is almost coming to an end but I'll still be going visiting tomorrow after work. Not really willing to go visiting tomorrow as I'll be going to my supervisor's place and most of the people in my department are not going. Why is that so? For a simple reason that she has gotten on the nerves of almost everyone in the department with her lousy attitude and her fantastic stint of pushing accusations and blames to everyone else except herself. So, I think there're only about 4 of us who will be going to her place tomorrow. Sighz.. And she stays all the way in the east. Going home will definitely cost me a bomb if I take a cab and if I take a bus or MRT, it's gonna take me more than an hour. Somebody kill me pls!

Went to Carissa's place and Christine's place for visiting. I love Carissa's daughter. She's so cute and the funny thing is, she likes me a lot too! She was stuck to me the whole time I was at Carissa's house and she even told Carissa that she misses me yesterday. So sweet! I miss her a lot too actually. See the picture that we took! Hehe. Anyway, there’s good news from Christine. She’s pregnant!! YAY!! She’s been wanting to have a child of her own and she’s finally got her wish. Think this year will be a good one for her coz she just got promoted as well. :)

Been working late everyday ever since I went back to her after Chinese New Year. Been at work for about 12 hours a day and it’s tiring. Wonder why I’ve been having so much work recently. Nowadays, it’s always Jeremy, Tom and I who will be the last to leave. Sighz.. I’m ok about it but the 2 guys are definitely not happy about it. Guess we have different mindsets at different age. For me, I feel that this is the time for me to work hard for my career and I’m willing to work overseas but for the 2 of the time, they wanna have more personal time. Guess everybody is subject to their own opinions and thinking.

Tom's not enjoying himself at work at all. He's been getting into trouble though sometimes it's not totally his fault. Guess that's no excuse. Just have to make sure that you really do your work properly and try not to get into trouble. Have to be careful when doing your work. That's all I can say. Been trying to help him as much as I can. We've had some minor arguments and tiffs at work but I guess maybe I have higher expectations from him coz he's my bf. Always feel that he should be able to understand what I'm thinking. Guess I need to change.

Had SCOO dialogue today. The HR head joined us.. I only know that he's called Matt. All I can say is that, he is really HANDSOME!! Haha. Almost all the ladies there, including me, were oogling at him. It wasn't the first time that I saw him. The first time was at Shanghai Night when he danced on stage. Ooohhh.. So charming! :p

Valentine's Day is coming but yet, I won't be celebrating with Tom this year. How sad! I'll be flying off to Hong Kong with Jacqueline and Ann (my cousins) at 7pm on Valentine's Day and I'll only be back on 19 Feb. I need a break from work and it's the first time I'm travelling with my cousins and no adults. :) Am totally looking forward to the trip!! But I'm wondering if I'll be getting flowers this year. It's been 3 years since I last received any flowers from anyone. Sighz.. The sad unromantic life that I lead. Haha.

Time to end.. Tom is waiting for me to finish blogging so that I can call him and he can sleep. Haha. Poor thing.. Keeps asking if I'm done blogging thro' MSN. Hehe. Okies. Here I come dear... Nitez all and I think the next time I blog will be after my trip (unless I have time to blog on Saturday or Sunday). We'll see how things go~!


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