sense of achievement~

re-did my blog today. spent the whole afternoon on it n it's finally done! nothing beats the sense of achievement upon completion. it's something that i've never done before n i've always felt that i wouldn't know how to do it coz i've always been such a computer idiot. after my cousin showed me some stuff n tom telling to view source, i tried to do up my own blog. took me quite some time before i stumbled onto this girl's blog which teaches u how to do certain stuff. found this really nice blogskin n fell in love with it. so, after much effort n fiddling with stuff, here it is! something i'm really proud of n happy to c. every time i look at my own blog, i feel this sense of pride, achievement n happiness coz i really love everything about this design. thanx to the creator of this blogskin! :)

went to watch 'hide and seek' yesterday. quite a good show. the suspense was good. kinda unexpected. booked tickets to watch 'white noise' on tuesday. it's a scary movie.. not really my kind of show esp at nite. used to have nightmares everytime i watch scary movies at nite but hopefully it won't happen this time. have always been scared.. not sure y. maybe i was influenced by grandma when i was young. hope things will turn out ok.. still got a few more shows i wanna catch though.. 'closer' n 'hitch'.. 'closer' is a romantic flick while 'hitch' is a comedy.. more my kind of show. hehe.

went out with my sim group of gals on friday.. esther, eunice, stef, eevon... met weini on my way from taka to wisma n she joined us as well. it was good. love this sort of gatherings coz it allows us to catch up on our lives and one another. realised that we've all grown up.. but we're still the same group of fun-loving n crazy gals. love that about us! to stef, hope things will really work out well on ur side k? we'll always be here for u no matter what happens. pls eat more coz u r really skinny now. don't become anorexic!! we'll only worry more. take care of urself!!!

been trying to pick up the pace at work so haven't really had much time to play games except to de-stress when i can't figure out the figures. other than that, it's all work work n more work. starting to do the accounts much faster which is supposedly a good thing. juz hope i dun make too many mistakes n screw too many things up.

had food poisoning last sat.. luckily i managed to recover on fri.. just in time to hang out with the gals n have some fun after a long time. :) the feeling was terrible when i had food poisoning. was in so much pain due to the stomach cramps from the food poisoning yet i couldn't take mc coz i was rushing to finish my accounts. thank god i'm ok now~ being healthy is really important. think it's time i start exercising again. :p but i always say but don't do. haha. lazy me...


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