valentine's day...

chinese new year came n went.. happy chinese new year to all~ this chinese new year hasn't exactly been a very happy one n i'm still on cold war with my dad. haha. ain't it fantastic? i can do this forever i think. there's no need for me to talk to him anyway. haha. i'm an evil gal!

anyway, valentine's day came n went as well so happy valentine's day to one n all as well~ wanna wish kuan a happy bday too! hehe. valentine's day this year was just like any other normal day in my life. no flowers, just present. think it's been a whole year since i received flowers from anyone. not on my bday nor on valentine's day. sighz.. this year's valentine's day wasn't fun or exciting. just a normal dinner, a short walk along explanade then home. pretty dull to me.. but at least i spent it with my boy.. :)

kinda missed the valentine's day that i had last year. spent it with my close gal pals - jean, eunice, stef n esther. sat at marine promenade for 2-3 hours chatting, laughing, having fun n making lots of noise n chasing couples there away. haha. people there were so frustrated with us but yet couldn't do anything about it. hehe. we r evil~

work is ok.. but still, i do not intend to stay here long. it's simply not what i want to do. the accountant of the current company case that i'm doing now just got frustrated with me coz i keep getting her to fax me things. haha. i don't wish for that to happen but her company's accounts r so freaking huge n there r so many things that i need. irritating! i don't like it either. haha.

missed chinese new year gathering at irvin's place n the chance to meet up with all of them. think the last time i saw some of them was in dec on winston shifu's bday. sighz...

k.. time to start work.. though i'll be playing games 1st. hehe. :p


Anonymous said…
sobz~ sorri...~

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