job opportunity...

got a call from citibank today asking me to go for an interview. not exactly sure what post i'm interviewing for or whether i'll get the job or not. of coz i'd like to change my job coz citibank pays much more than what i'm currently getting n there r more benefits there. most importantly, no more draggy, pointless, redundant monday meetings! but the thought of not being able to meet my boy for lunch everyday saddens me.. n to travel 1 hr everyday to work n work ot.. with no music.. hmmz...

hope the people there are friendly n nice. anyway, i still have anne marie there to accompany me. hehe. thanx girl for helping me send in my resume~. :)

so, i can't concentrate on my work anymore which is y i'm blogging now. my table's a mess but i can't focus so i actually look real busy n hardworking. haha. i'm juz tired n brain-dead with so many things on my mind.. sighz..

if i get the job, what m i going to tell my boss? that i found something better or should i juz come up with some excuse? really don't know. probably wait til i get confirmed before i think so much. might not get thro the interview anyway n i'm already thinking so far into the future. haha. muz stop stressing myself out. if i get the job, i'll probably still have to discuss with my family before i can do anything. haha.

still have to get back to work.. or mayb i shall juz daydream the rest of the 45 mins away.. before attending dumb meeting.. boring~


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