perm job...

desperately need a permanent job. this pay is really not enough to keep me going for too long. kuan said that my operations manager at akltg feels that it's better for me not to apply for the job there coz there might be political issues between me n him at work. i'm ok with working there coz he doesn't affect me but they dunno what he feels. fuck him. everything is all coz him. i don't get to work at a place where i was my happiest when working n it's coz of him. this is irritating n frustrating.

must start actively looking for job now. can't go on for long like this.

seems like my good friends are all starting their own businesses... kuan, hus... all their entrepreneurs. i'm satisfied n contented to be an employee but honestly, i'd rather fulfil my dream to either go into the modelling, acting or singing line. definitely not in s'pore though. either hong kong or taiwan. don't think i can make it big in the western countries. haha. i can continue dreaming...

anne called me a few nights ago. seems like she needs another job as well coz her whole team is moving to shanghai n if they go, they'll get pathetic pay, pay for their own lodging n food. so we're all trying to look for jobs now. more unemployed people.. sigh...

must go work in a short while. boring. couldn't wake up actually. didn't even hear my alarm ringing til the alarm went off. haha. i'm so dead tired. been feeling a little moody n down for the past few days but i know i will lift my own spirits up. :) k... that's all for now. must start preparing for work.. boring~


Anonymous said…
Hey Magz, Hope you will find a job soon. Cheer up leh! ^_^ Feels weird that you have been kinda quiet these days. Sorry for kinda neglecting you oso, coz i noe you are unhappy but i duno wat i shld do. Good Luck and stay happy!

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