Fuck off from my life!

Sorry for the vulgar heading and the very vulgar post below but I seriously need to rant. 

Just when I thought things were starting to look better.. Or rather, maybe it's just coz I'm starting to not think about that fucker in my life aka my sister and her problems anymore, the same shit issues came back to haunt me. Seriously... I'm so sick and tired of her excuses and lies and bullshit that I'm not gonna give her respect or be nice to her anymore. 

If you wanna move back to stay with me, I have all along said I'm ok with it. But don't try and twist the story and act pitiful and make the whole extended family believe the wrong things. Did you even tell them that you fucking told me to sell my house to move to your fucking smelly house so that you can still stay in your place?? Of coz I won't sell my place. Why should I?? I'm not the one wanting a fucking divorce and having to give half the money back to my husband. You are the one! You should be selling your fucking place instead and I even told you that you can always move back and stay with me if you sell. Am I not considered good enough??? 

Then you finally agreed to sell your house but you told me you wanted to buy a 3 room flat. And in your own fucking words, "I don't wanna stay in the 3 room though. I'll move back and stay with you." So you buy a 3 room to do what?? Rent out and get the money for your own usage and you move to my place and I pay for your utilities etc when you always use so much water and electricity?? Fine. I can still accept that but what else did you tell me??? 

"I wanna renovate your house 1st before I move in. I wanna tear down the wall between the 2 rooms and make it into 1 room instead coz.. 1 room is not enough space to put all my clothes." Seriously???!!! Wtf wtf wtf??? Fucking  throw away your clothes then! Why the fuck do you need so many clothes anyway? You're not a fucking celebrity and more than 90% of the time, you buy clothes and end up throwing them away before you even wear them! 

Of coz I won't agree to that! Come on man.. When Eeyore was staying here in the past, he had wanted to renovate all along and I didn't agree. Only coz I have so many beautiful memories of everyone who has lived here before - grandpa, grandma, daddy... And how the whole extended family would come over to my place and play mahjong and spend the weekend together to accompany our grandparents. And I told you all this.. And what was your reply to me?? 

"I have no memories or feelings for this house at all." Thanks for letting me know that, you fucking heartless bitch! Of coz you have no feelings or memories. All along you have always wanted to move out, to as far as you can from the family. Even the whole extended family knows that including my aunt's maid knows that's what you want. And now.. You can proudly tell people and act all nice and loving and sweet with "I wanna move back closer to the family coz family is the most important in my life and I love my sister the most." Seriously, hearing that just make me want to puke right in your fucking face and to show you my middle finger. Fucking bullshit! 

Trust me.. I'm sure you omitted to tell the whole extended family all the things I mentioned above. And now you are trying to use them and even trying to get common friends to pressure and convince me to let you move back to stay with me. Fine.. All the above truth will come out to light. Let things get ugly from here on. You wanna play games like this, be my guest coz I'm not gonna be nice and kind anymore. You have taken advantage of me for long enough.

Even on your own fucking birthday this year. Endless taking advantage of me.. I'm no pushover. I have my limits too and I have been giving in only coz you are my sister. But you and your fucking husband have caused me so much pain and misery and to even lose the man of my life and you guys ain't even sorry or upset or feel guilty about it at all. And yet, you still keep pushing and pushing and pushing. This is it.. And honestly, if I can disown you, I for sure definitely would. I don't even mind selling the house to throw the money in your face and I'll tell you, "This is it. From today onwards, you and I are no longer sisters or related." Trust me.. I am waiting for this day to come. 


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