Following Mummy's Path..

Spent the night watching the results of the general election.. Spent the whole time crying as well. Not coz of the results, but... 

I really don't understand life.. Why must it be so tough on me? I know there are lots of others out there with even tougher lives such as refugees, people with no food etc. But how much more can I take in my own life now? With a sister like mine, I really wonder...

Ever since 2013, everytime when we meet.. I end up crying and wondering why.. A sister who either doesn't think about things or when she does, most times I hear bullshit, crap, rubbish or lies. And most times she only thinks about herself. Haven't I suffered and lost enough by now coz of her husband (or soon to be ex-husband) and her? And yet, I'm still being "tortured" by such nonsense from her. 

Seriously how much more can I take? Told ann and ky last night that should I go down the same road as my mummy, it's all coz of my sister... I won't be surprised if I go mental soon as well. It's a matter of time I think... 


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