
So... It's official.. He has someone new in his life now. Had to pass him some letters on Monday. He does look happy and in bliss now. Time for me to move on? I wish I could but easier said than done isn't it? I can only wish him happiness from now on.. 

Looking at all the couples on the streets everyday.. I do miss having someone holding my hand, walking aimlessly around malls. I do miss having someone hug me or putting his hand around my waist.. I do miss having someone kiss me gently.. Wiping my tears away when I'm watching a sad show.. I do miss having someone comfort & console me when I'm stressed or unhappy.. I do miss chatting on the phone and smiling to myself like a silly girl..  I miss... too many things.. 

Will I ever find someone again? I wonder.. No one knows. Only time will tell. But how much time do I have left? Again, no one knows.. Life is too unpredictable.. 


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