Hk 2015

Sigh... No longer know what to say.. 1st night in Hk yesterday and I dreamt of Eeyore again.. As if dreaming of him almost once or twice a week in Sg is not enough... What am I gonna do man? Sigh... And as I was putting the new amulet I got this year into my wallet just now, out came a photo of us being happy together.. And during dinner just now, grandaunt Keng kept asking me to get a bf and get married soon. :( I would have been happily married now had it not been coz of.... All I can say again is.. Fml... I'm just not meant or destined to have happiness in my life. Happiness eludes me. 

Glad to be in Hk again this year though. Met my aging and ailing grandaunt again. I miss and love her heaps but it's not easy to get to meet her. :( met up with Keith Shiu earlier and had a great time with his twin boys again!! And his wife Victoria is expecting a baby girl due on May!! Sooo happy for them!!! Meeting Charlito tomorrow and Irene and Mardi on Friday. Then Ashley on Sat morning before I come back to my boring old sickening life in Sg again.. Can I be gone for good after that pls? 


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