Of Crows and Death

Been blogging a lot more lately it seems.. But wanted to get this off my chest/mind I guess...

Had a bad dream last night.. I was at home and hanging my laundry when I noticed that there were huge (and I really mean huge) crows downstairs at the void deck looking upwards. I was scared as I've always been afraid of crows. Quickly hung up all the clothes at the balcony and contemplated if I should close the windows for fear if the crows flying into the house. Decided to close the windows in the end. 

Then it was while I was closing the windows that I realised 3 of them were lying at the ledge of my window grill (don't ask me how they can squeeze there.. It's a dream.. Anything can happen!). I did my best to close the windows as gently as I could to not disturb them. Managed to avoid waking 1 of them.. As I continued to close the windows, 1 of them woke to and as I hurried to close the windows real tight, it squeezed through the grills and flew into the house!! 

I dashed into the kitchen toilet and the stupid door was faulty! Did my best to close the door and managed to escape from the crow! Then I heard a bark and I suddenly remembered that Sarah was staying with me and was sleeping on my living room couch! I had forgotten about her!

Quickly I opened the toilet door and tried to let Sarah in with me. Right at that moment, the stupid crow swooped down and pecked Sarah real hard on her left front leg! I grabbed the mop in the toilet and started whacking and pushing the crow away while trying to grab poor Sarah into the toilet. Slammed the door shut and washed poor Sarah's wound while she yelped and cried. :( 

Can't really recall how the dream ended but I woke up being very frightened. People say dreaming of crows symbolizes death.. Not sure what to make of it, especially now that there's only me in the house and the crows were at my place. I'm not scared or afraid of dying, in fact I yearn for it. Just don't make it too painful for me, that's the only thing I ask for.


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