Fingers Crossed

Spoke to Nath today. He's a good boss.. A very nice boss. Too bad I'm not reporting directly under him. Told him the situation within my direct team now and somehow, I couldn't control my tears and my sadness and cried in front of him. I like my options team, I like my work and my job. But.. if I have to report under the Ba La Ji aka Rubbish in chinese, then I really don't wanna stay on anymore. I can't stand working under a big piece of rubbish who knows nothing about what he does, who slacks all the time where his work is now split to be done by 4 people, who only talks but does shit.

Nath asked me why I didn't raise my hand to take over Ash who has now left the company. I told Nath that I don't wanna be a manager to the rubbish and to another useless person, H, sitting next to me now. All that H does all day is surf the web, chat in office on tools like MSN, chat on whatsapp, check his hp and facebook, walk in and out of office and goes for tons of breaks. I really can't stand working with useless people like that.

Before Nath left office today, he told me he has given the feedback to a couple of people and hopefully they can help me. He said he doesn't want me to leave the company as well and that his team really needs me there. I'm touched and I'm thankful that at least he appreciates the work I've done for the team all these years.

Hoping for good news..


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