totally fine~!

i'm a happy gal today!! finally considered to have fully recovered from whatever caused me to be hospitalised after my checkup with the gynae. yay!!! no more going back for checkups!!! the cyst did not grow or maybe it became smaller.. not sure about that but whatever it is, i'm ok now n that's what matters most! :)

anne's last day at work is tomorrow.. she's the 3rd person that i'll be attending farewell sessions for. 3 good friends have left us for greener pastures n 1 has transferred to another place. sighz.. the only thing that i'm thankful about is that there are still a few of the people that i'm close to who are still here. but i know some are also intending to leave.. if they can find their greener pastures. sighz.. happy for them but sad for myself. but i'll definitely wish them all the best of luck~!

been trying to plan the bangkok trip but it's certainly not an easy task coz dearest ali is missing! ali~ where are you?? need you to confirm with me if you can apply leave for the trip.

seems like stef has a bf now.. wonder who the guy is.. hehe. i'm always so curious.. haha.

work has been hectic for me this week. been staying back after office hours jus to clear my stuff. not that i'm complaining.. would rather have things to do than to be bored. hate the feeling of being bored. makes me feel redundant. hehe.

where have all my friends gone to?? why's there no one for me to chat with??? boring...

waiting for my beloved tom to cook dinner. hehe. love it when he cooks for me (though i've never cooked for him before. hahaha). makes me feel very loved. haha. me n my weird thinkings.. :p


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