my character..

have been talking to my vendor on the phone a lot. her name's doreen n i consider her as a friend more than a vendor. she's a very nice lady n is always buying me dinners and stuff. we were on the phone today n she told me some stuff about myself.

according to her, i am someone who is observant, who is ambitious and has high expectations of herself n the people around her. she also said that i'm an efficient and independent worker who takes the initiative to do things and that i am able to handle my work well unlike most graduates that she know. i'm also eloquent and am able to write well, according to her. she even told me that my boss has complimented me in front of her, saying that i can work without supervision which is why i do not need to report to my supervisor at all but report to her directly.

never been praised so much before. haha. never knew i was so capable in my work. doreen told me that i shouldn't be doing operations but should do the business sector. not sure what the business sector is but she said that i'll definitely shine in that sector. probably i will opt for a transfer if i have the chance to or if i'm bored of what i'm currently doing now. but for now, i enjoy the things i do though it can be boring at times. hehe.

she said that i give people the feeling that they should pamper me or look upon me as a younger sister which is why people will tend to look out for me naturally. not sure about that though. however, she also said that i have the 'fling' thing in me. she doesn't know how to describe it in words but it has got something to do with the way i talk to people, be it guys or gals. maybe i do. deep down inside of me, i think i know what she's saying but it's something uncontrollable. it's just the feeling that i give people. even if i don't do anything and am as per normal, i know some people get that feeling about me. sighz..

seems like it's the season where people are breaking up or having problems in their relationships again. so many friends of mine have been breaking up or having problems recently that i have no idea what i can do to help. it saddens me to know that things can't work out between them n the people they love. out of the many people who are having relationships, only my colleague has confided in me. i've been trying to cheer him up and making him open up that he's learning to live n let live. i jus want u guys to know that i'm here for u guys. i won't make any judgements or comments but at least know that if u truly need a listening ear, feel free to call me. that's the one thing i can offer.

to my buddy hus, trust me.. work things out with her again. she still loves u. it's a matter of communication. don't feel insecure or giving up. i know u still love her too, else u won't be feeling so down now. call me if u need me.

to meng, u said it was due to different ideas, concepts n things like that. i'm sure things will work out as long as 1 party is willing to give in a little. relationships are about giving n taking. i'm not sure where went wrong but u said that a part of u died.. if u don't love her, that won't be the case. if u need the listening ear, call me. i know u said u want to be left alone, but gimme a ring when u need me k? take care bro!


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