be professional

i gotta rush this entry coz i'm gonna watch football n it's starting! hehe. wanna write this down n get it off my chest coz i think that some people work in a very unprofessional way.

some problems occurred at work recently. i am the person handling the outsourcing of printing customer statements daily n last month end, certain customer statements were printed and mailed out that shouldn't have been printed in the 1st place. these customers do not belong to the corporate side but belong to private banking side, which means their statements shouldn't even have gotten into my file!

so, somehow or other, these damned statements got printed n these lousy dumbass customers started complaining to the customer service centre. n of coz, people start questioning why this happened. therefore, people started coming to me n questioning me. on the surface, they are trying to find the cause of the problem, but IN ACTUAL FACT, THEY ARE TRYING TO POINT FINGERS AT THE PERSON WHO'S IN CHARGE N TO PUT THE BLAME ON THAT PERSON. that puts me off so much! come on, BE PROFESSIONAL!

1st of all, i wasn't taught certain procedures that was supposed to be done. somehow or other, these procedures were lost on the way as there were many other people who took over before i started. i'm not surprised that certain steps weren't passed down totally. 2nd of all, the problem has already occurred. what's the point of putting the blame on others? FIND THE FUCKING ROOT CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM, NOT POINT THE LITTLE STUPID FINGER AT OTHERS! find a god damn solution to it!

i've got people bugging me the past 2 days trying to find out what my procedure is. come on, what went wrong is already wrong. i'll take it to heart n learn from it so STOP FUCKING QUESTION ME ON WHAT I DO. 2 whole days of being questioned like a criminal. FUCKING GET OFF MY BACK! these people caused me to not be able to do my work n i've got more urgent things to do then to be accused by u assholes.

there.. finally let out all my anger. sorry about all the vulgarities but i really need to let it out. i've been busy at work recently. been starting work at 8.30am and ending at 9+ 10... the past 3 weeks have been like that. i've been working hard n doing my part, which is why i don't see the need in people questioning me on the way i do things. they have got no freaking rights to do that. n the private banking boss is so afraid of getting complaints from customers that he questions everything i do. go eat shit! coward!

anyway, enough of those assholes. glad to have nice colleagues at work. those who are closer to me knows that i've been working ot and was pissed off at work try to cheer me up n entertain me at work. 1 even let me vent my anger on him by punching him. haha. feels good after that. really thankful that i've got wonderful colleagues. makes me enjoy working there. :)

tom has been very patient with me coz for the 3 weeks that i had to do ot, he waited for me patiently n even picks me up from work when i end at times. every wed, he has to wait at the shopping centre for me for at least 1 to 2 hours before i can have dinner with him. i know it's bad, but he doesn't blame me n i'm very grateful for that. this week he even gave me massages coz i've been working so late n i'm sooo tired after that. very very sweet of him. thanx dear~!

he's watching football now n i'm going to join him~! hehe. here i come, my love~!


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