trip to bangkok?

been thinking of going for a holiday for some time now. have been wanting to go to either bali, bangkok or hong kong. have been asking my dear bf if he wants to go on a trip with me but the answer that i always get is 'depends on whether i've found a permanent job by then'. i don't feel like waiting anymore. i'm planning a trip.. n now, it's gonna be a group trip.

talked to ali thro msn messenger and we were talking about going on a trip end of the year. we actually wanted to go to bali but it's gonna be monsoon period during then so bangkok came to mind. it's gonna be tentatively on the 3rd week of october. hopefully can make it into a group gathering. of coz, the biggest hope will be that dear ali can make it there with us. bet everybody will want that to happen! ali, try ur best n not disappoint us k? :)

will start organising that tomorrow afternoon when i'm more free at work. still have to organise anne's farewell dinner with our section and also the drinking session with the rest of the colleagues. supposed to organise an event for the dept with some other colleagues but have yet to know the details. when did i become an organiser for everything? haha.

boss hasn't exactly been in a very good mood since last week. not sure if it has got anything to do with anne leaving. trying hard not to step on her toes but it's quite scary when she calls. u never know when u r getting it from her. well, i just did.. for something that a colleague from another section did but yet, i was the one who got scolded. sighz.. no choice i guess.. but i'm getting more paranoid when i see her mails n receive calls from her now. argh!!

talked to a colleague from my section today.. talked about me learning something new.. to learn what they are doing, which is also what i'm interested in learning. problem is, i'm not sure if i'll have the opportunity or be given the chance to learn it yet. i don't wish to wait too long though. i can't be doing admin work for 1 year.. i'll go crazy! will probably talk to my supervisor tomorrow when she comes back from training. hope she can talk to my boss about it. hehe. :p wish me luck!!!


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