mixed feelings..

having mixed feelings right now..

anne might be resigning and leaving for greener pastures. i'll definitely miss her lots coz after all, i've known her the longest there and she's my mentor cum good friend. sighz.. as long as she's happy, it's ok. jus a sad that most of the people i'm close to are leaving one after another. first was kk, then goldwin, marina, now maybe anne and probably jeremy if he manages to secure a job. will be very sad if they all leave but all this can't be helped. they managed to find other jobs that pay better or they are really not happy/satisfied with what they are doing. guess it's good for them so i should give them my blessings. :)

feeling kinda excited and happy coz jessica moved in yesterday (04/07). quite fun to have her around coz there's someone to accompany me when i'm bored. hehe. helped her to unpack a bit last nite but i was really dead tired. just a bit not used to having another person in the house yet.. need to get used to it. :p

went for the gynae checkup last thurs. he said that the cyst doesn't seem like anything much but i'll have to go for a more detailed scan on 04/08 to see if the cyst has grown. if it doesn't grow, that means it's not a big deal and shouldn't affect me in any way. seems like lots of girls in my age group will have this problem coz our eggs are in the process of being fertilised or something along that line. however, if the cyst grows, then it can be dangerous. will see how it goes again.

tom has just fallen asleep. he's been sick for the past week.. poor thing.. dunno what's wrong with him also. started off with cough to flu, then diarrhoea.. kinda weird but seems like he's getting better but still tired. refuses to see doctor though.. stubborn boy. think i'll make him send me home soon so that he can sleep early when he comes back. ^_^


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