Too much time on a bus...

On a super long bus ride to Felix's place for steamboat gathering dinner with Bee, Lynnie and Cher. Been a while since I last saw Felix.. And he's gonna be a dad soon! Happy for him!! 

On this ride of 49 bus stops (I've been on the bus for almost an hour now..), I've got plenty of time to think and dwell on lots or stuff as usual.. Went past Tom's place and Howdy's place along the way and images flashbacked.. Not to mention that even while waiting for bus just now, I thought of Eeyore again. 

Will I ever find the right one again? I wonder too.. How to? Honestly.. With so much nonsense at home.. This morning Aunt Marg just told me that her hubby met with accident again and told me not to lend me any money should he call to borrow from me. Sigh... Sometimes can't help but wonder.. My family relationships.. Built on money and lies? Without those 2 factors, I won't have a family?

Dunno... Really dunno anymore. I just wish to be taken off the surface of this world ASAP... Close my eyes and be gone forever.. 

Edited: And when I reached Felix's place.. I had to hear this song 当我知道你们相爱.. Sung by 1 of my all time favorite singers Hacken Lee.. Nearly burst out crying on the spot.. My life's ironies... End up... I spent the whole night listening to this song and crying throughout....


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