Goodbye Tom's Dad...

Another long disappearing act from me from blogging.. And it's only coz I don't wanna keep blogging about unhappy stuff in my life esp relating to my sis anymore.. But yet.. Today's post is gonna be another unhappy one..

Just found out that Tom's (my 2nd longest ex bf that my whole family knows about other than Eeyore) dad has passed away today. It's a total shock to me as I remember vividly that uncle has always been very fit and healthy! My heart sank as I found out and after so many years of not seeing or talking much to Tom, I gathered my courage and left him a message on Facebook to get more details of the wake. I know my family's gonna be super upset with me if they find out that I'm attending a wake when it's still the CNY period (I have a very superstitious family), but.. I really wanna pay my last respects to this man who has all along been very kind and nice to me despite his fierce facade towards his own children.

I can still remember how fearful I was of uncle when I 1st went over to Tom's place. But uncle found me to be well mannered and respectful of others and he warmed up to me very quickly. I'll never forget the green Renault hatchback that uncle used to drive and it was manual mode too!! That was how and when I 1st learnt "driving" and how manual cars work as Tom will let me hold the clutch and he will cover my hand with his and change clutch :) those were the good old days...

And now... Uncle has left us.. To join my daddy and mummy in another world... Hope they will take good care of uncle and wait for me there. I wish and wanna join them soon if I can... I'm really tired of it all... 


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