A Quarter of a Century..

Mummy's been gone for a quarter of a century now. And I still miss her everyday.. Wish she was still here and I can tell her all my problems or unhappiness. Sigh... Wonder how my mummy is now. Maybe if there's really such a thing as reincarnation, my mummy will be a fresh grad by now!! :)

Not sure if it's coz I've been missing mummy and daddy too much.. Been dreaming of Eeyore again the last few nights. Dreamt that he was by my side comforting and consoling me, hugging me and making me feel better. Sigh.. At the rate this is going, will I go mad or insane soon? Maybe I just need someone to slap me and tell me to wake up my stupid bloody ideas and dreams.. Everything in my life is nothing but a dream. What is real in my life anymore? I no longer know.. Maybe only the sadness in my life is real now. 

Going to Hong Kong for holiday tomorrow but I feel no excitement at all. Even when being on leave the last few days, I only feel tired and drained.. Becoming emotionless and a zombie? What am I to do with myself? Sigh... 

Just finished my checkup at the hospital again.. More blood tests and stool samples coz of my fever 3 weekends ago but yet I still vomit almost every week.. Sigh.. Why can't the gods or heaven up there be nice to me and just take me away for good to be with my mummy and daddy?? Stop torturing me this way.. :( I just wanna join them.. 


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