In Memory of Benjamin Ching

Yesterday evening, while on the way home from the supermarket after work to cook dinner, I checked Facebook and saw a post.. A friend I've known for 5 years - Benjamin - has left this world on Sunday 15 July 2012. Up til now, I have no idea how he passed away - some say it was a car accident, some suspect it's illness. I really dunno and I don't think I wanna probe. All I wanna do is write a small eulogy for him. 

Ben - 22 June 1980 to 15 July 2012

I knew Ben through clubbing in 2007, the days where I was pubbing or clubbing almost everyday after my break up in a 3 year relationship. Ben was also clubbing at Dragonfly and somehow (I can't really remember how), Ben and I got to know each other. I remember the only reason why we exchanged numbers and all was coz he was a genuine guy. He could turn out to be a friend rather than an acquaintance.

And so, everytime either of us went clubbing at Dragonfly, we would sms each other. In the end, I went with him and his group of friends a few times too. Ben had a nice smile - a beautiful dimple will appear on his right cheek when he smiled and 1 of his eyes would become slightly larger than the other. :) And he was smiling almost all of the time. That was the kind of person he is. 

The same look since 5 years ago

That happy dimpled smile

You are with the angels in the sky now..

Our friends didn't really "dance" when clubbing but both of us were different. We loved to dance so it was just the 2 of us dancing together. I remember us always singing together when the Chinese song "Dragonfly" was played, when Beyond & Jacky Cheung songs were sang. Our favorite songs to dance to was "Can't Take My Eyes Off You". Those were the days...

But as we started to be busy with work and new relationships, we gradually lost contact other than Facebook. Still, I'll never forget this guy who was there for me when I was at my low once.. To my dear friend, rest in peace. I am sorry I am not attending your wake - I think I'll cry if I go and I don't want your wife to think of us in the wrong way - I really feel that you have left us in your prime and when your life has taken on a new phase.. Your smile will live in all of our hears forever. You will be missed, always. 


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