Secretive Present for Myself

Wow! It's been a month since the last post! Have I been that busy? Hmm.. Actually yes. I've been busy trying to get myself the best present before my birthday at the end of this year. I'll keep this present a secret for now coz I don't want to be too optimistic and disappoint myself in the end but so far everything has been ok! :) Keeping my fingers crossed!!!

What else have I been busy with? Attending weddings! Gosh, so many people have gotten married. Other than Bingjie's wedding, I attended 2 other weddings in 2 consecutive weekends - Sharel and Jerome. 2 members of my Onz gang got married! So happy for them! 

At Jerome's wedding with Louise, Kat and Chuan :) 

With the email pal - Lisa! :) 

This big eyed cutie kept playing with me at Jerome's wedding :D

Had a day out with Peg and Eeyore to Science Centre - Been sooooo long since I last went to the Science Centre! An eye opener coz it's so different now with so many things to see and play with. Eeyore was trying hard to break the code of this game and I ended up breaking it! Hahahaha. You have to open the door of the box before you can slip in the paper - See how few people can do it by the few pieces of papers in there? Hehehe. Ok, I'm getting arrogant here but I'm really proud of myself!! Lol!

The rare pic of me in specs but too proud to be vain! Hahaha

And there was the girls gathering after Bingjie's wedding which became an unplanned mini gift exchange session!

The 4 of us with the gifts! 

Then there was the day where Stef & Sid had their flea market sale at Tanglin Mall. Eeyore and I went to show our support and to be busybodies by helping them sell. Hahaha. And 1 night where we met up so that I can see and hug my dearest Sarah!!! 

Eeyore and I at the flea market! 
Dearest Sarah!!!

29th June - the day where my 2 young girls left the office to further their studies. :( 
Shi Min - awesome temp secretary  
With Yuhui and Lynette - best sales intern ever! Yes, LV bag was our gift to her. 

So that's what I have been busy with other than work. On other random news, my doctor said my liver and spleen conditions have improved. I was biting my tongue so that I won't blurt out it's coz my drinking buddy is on holiday hence I haven't been drinking. Hahahaha. Met up for lunch with Carissa mummy, Chris mama and Irene last week when I was on leave!  

To end off, here's a pic of the latest baby that puts a smile on my face - Little Jemma. Such a smiley pic of her.  :)

Baby Jemma!! ^.^


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