Killer Smile :)

Haven't spoken to Mr Z for a long time now. Think the last talk was at the company Christmas party in December but that was too noisy to be a proper talk. Anyway, he told me today that I have been looking very happy these days and that the smile on my face can't seem to be wiped off. :) and he said it was a killer smile. Lol!!

So what's there to smile about? Hmmm I guess it's coz the old Maggie is coming back to the body and soul. The one where nothing brings her down, where she takes things on a positive note. It's the one who thinks that it's jus great to still be alive and enjoying every moment.

I need not be rich or beautiful to be happy. My pay is unchanged. My skin is still as bad. But what does it matter? The heart is feeling gorgeous and upbeat. It's all a matter of mindset. I'm hoping that this positive mentality can stay longer and stop disappearing as and when it feels like it!

Life is beautiful so cherish and treasure every moment!! Live life to the fullest and smile, for u never know who might fall in love with that smile of urs (not a psychopath I hope!)! Smiling is contagious so spread the love!! :))))


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