Harsh Reality

Today is the 2nd time I've encountered the harsh realities of life and work. 1st time was on 14 July 2011 Charles's contract was not renewed and he was asked to go. Yes, many people might think that this could be better for him coz he's at least got a package to leave. But did anyone think of the bigger picture? Guess not.

It's not that we weren't expecting Charles's contract to not be renewed. We were. So why were we surprised and unhappy? A few reasons.

1) Why didn't anyone talk to him about his contract? Why didn't they think of offering him a local package if they think his expat package is too expensive? He's been with us for 4 years. No major losses incurred and yet even turned the books around from a loss to a profit within his 1st 8 months of joining us. Shouldn't that have been taken into account?

2) The new guy they hired to replace Charles went around telling people in the industry that he is leaving his old company to join us. And I found that out a few weeks ago - which means they hired the guy some time back and they never intended to retain or renew Charles's contract. I don't think it's ethical to go around telling others that you've been hired at the benefit of someone else's retrenchment. Our company wasn't ethical in hiring him 1st before saying anything.

3) Our own London and New York teams didn't wanna take Charles in, as in a transfer. All coz Charles is quite a quiet person and doesn't really socialize much with the rest. But come on, you can't fault a person for that right? And apparently 1 of our sales teams doesn't like him coz of that too so no teams wanna take him in. Like seriously?? His counterpart in London has been making huge losses and he doesn't get "cut" but Charles gets asked to go jus coz he doesn't communicate much? Lame ain't it??

Overall, we're jus not happy about it. I cried a little. Charles is the guy who makes me laugh at work daily with his funny antics of changing my dealing nick into funny names and the guy who chats with me from time to time. And of coz he's also taught me quite a lot of stuff. :( Yet another good person gets retrenched. Sigh.. :( Life is unfair and sucks! He's definitely going back to USA and I wonder.. If we will ever get to meet again or talk to each other again. I can only.. Wish him all the best..


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