My drama life...

Met up with 2 of my secondary school besties for dinner just now - Suzhen and Lam Ni. Haven't seen Suzhen for a few years and haven't seen Lam Ni since secondary school or JC days! Time has passed me by too quickly! But glad to meet them again and had a good time catching up :) Suzhen commented accurately on my life.. Exactly what I always felt - my life is full of ups and downs like a drama serial, just that it has so much more downs than ups. Despite not meeting nor talking for so many years, she can still feel what I feel. :) that's what true friends are made of. 

Haven't been happy for a while now again. Just realised that someone else has been taking me for granted. No appreciation nor gratitude for things that I help to do or get. Hardly even a thank you and even had complaints/grumbles/displeasure about not fulfilling the requests or getting the right stuff. I don't even think it was my duty or responsibility to do it anyway. But now I know and I will learn my lesson well. 


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