Friend's Family = My Family Too??

Haven't blogged in a while.. Fell sick yet again.. Sigh.. Had fever for a couple of days, then blocked/runny nose and followed by cough.. Friends have been telling me that I'm a lot weaker than before. Yeah, I think so too.. But nothing much I can do about it. Out of my control now I feel.. 

Met up with several friends and even their parents! Had a nice time with Sid and his parents who were in town a couple of weeks back. And I had coffee and dinner again with Stevo and his bro and mum who were in town from Taiwan! :) Amazingly they still remember soooo many things from the last time we met last year! Gosh.. I don't even remember most of it but they remember it as clear as day! They still reminded me where we sat at PS Cafe the last time we met, what we ordered/ate for dinner and they could even recall that I helped an old foreigner lady on a cab and even carried her heavy bags of groceries for her while helping her on the cab! I hardly recall it at all but as they kept mentioning it, it did trigger some memories. Hahaha. They kept saying that I'm so nice and kindhearted coz of that incident. :) So nice and sweet of them. 

Had dinner with Bee and Felix last night as well though I was a bit stoned. Flu bug is still in me hence I tire out easily. So sorry I wasn't able to concentrate and enjoy more of the time spent together! Sigh.. Hopefully I can recover soon... 


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