A Decade Flew By..

Amazingly I've been with the company for 10 years now. How time flies... And I'm back with my old department of 4 years before I went on the London trip. What a twist of events! Health couldn't take it so I requested for a transfer back and as luck would have it, the dude B that I totally dislike transfered to
Hk and I was able to move back. 

Life back in this department has been ok so far.  Everyone's nicer and better to me and I've got a much better and hardworking backup. I'm happier in more ways now, other than at home with family stuff. Been meeting up with several friends and people once in a while and have even gone drinking sometimes but of coz I drink a whole lot lesser now compared to before. The only problem is... After a week or so, I can't remember who I've meet or where I went for dinner. If people tell me I've been to the place before, most times I don't even have an impression.  That's how bad the brains are now.. Sigh...

Joycelyn was so cute the other day when I had lunch with her. She kept wanting to matchmake me with her friend. Haha. I have yet to see who he is other than a picture from Facebook. Even the cabbie from London, Steve, who has been emailing me and contacting me told me he likes me. Hahaha. How well does he even know me? But nah... Guess we'll let nature take its course and see how things go. Men and relationships now... I dunno what to think anymore, especially with such a "health" problem. 

Family wise.. So many problems and issues that I'm so sick of it. I don't even bother asking or finding out anymore. I just want to be out of it but just can't.. So sickening. Sometimes it's really coz of my own family that I truly regret waking up then and still being here today... 


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