Finally did it..

I've finally done it.. I've deleted my "friends" from Facebook. Initially my intention was only to unfollow them but after clicking the unfollow button, I thought to myself.. Doubt anyone's gonna miss me anyway, hence the unfriend button was hit. I do feel lighter now though since it's been quite a few times that I see them going out without asking me along. So not seeing anything or treating such people as friends is no longer a loss to me. 

Had dinner with Yuhui just now. Sooo happy that she's preggers!! I will and must take good care of her in office now. Hehehe. We had some private talk about office and personal stuff. Basically we feel that office mood is now super demoralizing and definitely not as fun and good as before. We won't be surprised if more people resign or get retrenched. Sigh...

We spoke about my relationship life as well. Obviously it's empty right now though I did dream of Eeyore again last night. But.. I doubt it's gonna work out. I dunno either. It's just a hollow empty space right now.. But like she said, I'm no longer young and I can't wait and live in this hollowness forever.. Sigh.. Confused me..

Met Stevo's mum and bro from Taiwan on Sat. They are soooo friendly and fun! Spent a good 6 hours with them and enjoyed myself! Stevo's mum reminds me a little of Eeyore's mum, but a friendlier and more cheerful version. Haha. Can't wait to see them again!! 


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