Time to move on or bye forever?

Almost one year has gone by now and by looking at someone's Facebook and instagram, maybe it is also time for me to move on as well? I no longer know.. A little sad, disheartened, disappointed but.. Life has to move on somehow, somewhat.. What was I hanging to all this while? Or was I even hanging on to anything at all? 

Was nearly knocked down by a cab on 14 April - 140414. A lot of 4s? Beautiful date to say bye to this world? And to think that the night before the date, I was in bed and a similar image flashed past me where I got knocked down by the same type of cab at the same junction. Déjà vu situation again? And while I was on my bed when the image came to mind, I told Buddha/gods in the sky that should it really happen, then pls lemme die on the spot or die eventually but not lemme suffer too much pain or be a burden to my family. And the same scenario happened the next day but thankfully I escaped unscathed. 

Last night while tossing and turning in bed trying to sleep (somehow I just couldn't sleep), I was thinking back on my parents (as I always do now before I sleep) and on ex bfs in my life and suddenly I felt "someone" hugging me tightly and warmly.. And I felt so comfy in the "arms" of whoever it was that I actually finally fell asleep. A weird experience but definitely consoling and comforting to me. 

Wonder if I can have more of such nights or maybe.. If I can just say bye bye and good night forever.. 


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