Stressful week!

I am finally done with the presentation for promotion today! All over and done with now. Whatever happens next, I can only leave to fate and to the gods above. A month of preparation, 2 weeks of slogging over presentation, 3 trial runs with manager - I am finally free of staring at my slides daily and thinking of my speech! Wooohooo!!

Now for another important event on Thursday and to prepare for Yuhui's wedding as the sole emcee on Saturday! More script writing to be done but at least that's slightly less stressful since I've been emcee for a couple of times now. It will be another act of presentation skills on Saturday though I must say being a wedding emcee is a lot more fun! Haha.

This is a stressful week but I'm looking forward to the next 2 events this week as they are not related to work! Hahaha. Keeping my fingers crossed all the way til December where I will know my results then.

Couple of weekends ago was my 4 years anniversary with Eeyore. We didn't do much this year all thanks to my stupid tension headache/migraine. Kinda disappointed and am still waiting for my make-up anniversary date. :))

Awesome Sunday yesterday where I went to F1 and saw Noel Gallagher and Katy Perry perform live, right in front of me as beloved Stef and Sid managed to get seats/standing space so close to the stage!! And of coz I have to thank my Eeyore for getting me a free pass to even get in to F1!!

Hope everything goes smoothly and the celebrations shall start soon!!! Til then, I have to keep a level head and be calm.


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