Fingers crossed!

I know I've been missing.. What with planning a 2.5 week trip and traveling and all. More about that when I'm free though I still owe a lot about my Europe trip last year. Oh well..

More important stuff to mention.. I'm sort of in a dilemma between a 2 level jump in ranking with the same company or joining another firm altogether. Pros and cons analysis below..

2 rank jump - what I've been waiting for and lacking the last 5 years. Long overdue. But I have to do a presentation about myself in front of quite a few people, handle a few projects and still be made scapegoat for issues that are not my fault. I've not been happy being accused wrongly and my rebuttal and explanations have fallen on to deaf ears. Disgusted by the fact that my current department is ruled and overrun by the people of the same race, come from the same country and speak the same language but are considered expats in my country!! I've never had an issue with that but they seriously side with one another way too much. I'm not happy and I refuse to wake up to go to work everyday!! :(

Joining another firm - my ex colleague who was retrenched has been helping me persuade the team lead of another firm to hire me by vouching for my work ethics and efficiency. I'm to sen in my cv as they are hiring anyway. New environment, new people. Time to leave my comfort zone? I'm thankful for nice people who think highly of me and my work ethics!! I'm hoping to learn more, earn more (I'm very underpaid for sure) and hopefully be happier than I am now.

Not sure what will turn up but honestly, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. You never know what's gonna happen esp when you have no control over the events to come and when the 'talk' happens at a dinner with a few drinks in the tummy. Good luck to me and come what may!!


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