
While walking to the MRT station this morning, I noticed a lot of people queuing up outside the station. Soon, I realized what they were queuing for - the free newspaper "My Paper". Some mornings if I leave my house
earlier, the queue will be in the station - "Today".

Most of the people queuing will be the aunties and uncles, mostly retired or housewives. I have also seen people stopping their cars at the bus stop and rushing to get a copy of the free newspaper. And I start wondering if I'll ever get to that stage where I'll be queuing up on a daily basis to get free newspapers. I seriously hope not.. Or is it jus coz the papers are free, hence everyone wants them so that they do
not have to pay? Hmmzz..


Sarah (Sid's dog) is at my place since last nite. Love having her around! She's so active and yet, so obedient. Love her to bits! Wish I can jus keep her at my place forever! Sid, can I not return Sarah??

Wish I can have my own dog too.. Miss Cookie, the Shih Tzu that Stu bought for me many years ago. No longer mine now.. :( It is so nice to have a dog greeting u the minute u wake up, the minute u come home, etc
etc. Miss having a dog lying next to me as I watch tv or use the computer. Sighz..

But I know it's not fair for me to have a doggie now coz I am hardly home coz of work followed by dinner out since we do not cook. Guess I will just have to make do with my boring, mundane life and continue to
long for a dog..


Just came back from a walk with Eeyore and Sarah. From not wanting to look after Sarah to being the one running around after her, from claiming that he's not going to help in cleaning her up to being the one who picked up her poop when she's done. He even slept on the floor to make Sarah sleep. Hahaha. It was so funny to see him play with her. :) Puts a big smile on my face, especially when both of them came along to pick me up from work today! Soooo touched!

I'm missing Sarah sooooo much already and she's only jus left with Charmaine. :( Will miss Sarah heaps!!!


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