
everything's set for my trip tomorrow except for the fact that i have yet to pack. yes, i'm leaving for the airport at 6am tomorrow morning n here i am, still feeling lazy to pack n i've to head back to the office in a while! god!! i'm real lazy. hope i remember to bring everything that i need or i'm screwed!

finally on leave n i don't have to be back in the office for 6 working days. it feels good to know that fact. trust me. after i'm back from my hols, i will no longer be doing what i'm doing now. it will be back to the days of doing admin stuff.. which i don't really enjoy n fancy but have got no choice. boss told me to wait til end of this year when she'll look at the portfolios n maybe rotate or change amongst ourselves. i've got another 2 whole months of doing admin stuff again. gets pretty upsetting but that's life i guess. will jus have to wait and see what happens. so for the next 2 months, life will be easy for me again. i'll be back to the days where i don't have much to do n i can buy coffee in the afternoons.

never knew how much i would miss my dearest bf til recently. i cried twice!! sighz.. getting emotional.. but it's the 1st time that i'll be away from him n we're separated by distance.. n we can't call or msg each other so often. seems like we've been together for so long and it's almost daily that i'm so used to be with him day in n out that i feel lonely going on a trip without him. i know that i'm supposed to enjoy my trip but i also know that my mind will keep coming back to him. well, that will only mean that he'll be getting lots of prezzies from me. hehe.

1st trip out of singapore on my own with friends, not with family. my entire family is more nervous than me that they keep calling me or messaging me to be careful. hehe. thanx for the concern! i'll take care of myself. not to worry. n i'll definitely buy lots of stuff back for everyone. :) sounds as if i'm so loaded with money n the things r dirt cheap. haha. nah... i'll make a balance of what i buy n control myself from spending too much.

starting to feel kinda excited about the trip. it's really a 1st for me, to be travelling with friends n i've never been to thailand! wonder if i'll be able to sleep tonite. :p hehe.

k.. time to take my bath n head on to the office. gotta reach there by lunch time.. :) will update when i'm back from my trip~!


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