
Showing posts from 2017

Don't wanna wake up...

Can't believe that I dreamt of Eeyore last night... Dreamt that we went out and decided to watch a movie together.. And ended up... we held hands and kissed... and told each other how much we missed each other. It was such a beautiful and sweet dream.... How I wish it was true and I never had to wake up ever again.. Can't believe how much I still miss him... :'( 

Goodbye Alex Daddy...

Haven't blogged in ages.. only coz there's only unhappiness in my life and hardly any happiness. Didn't want to bog and make others upset reading my pathetic life. But can't help but want to post today... Today.. is the day that my ex-colleague aka Mummy Carissa's hubby got cremated. I was at the wake for Alex Daddy everyday to support mummy, Bernicia and Basile. I know the pain they are going through and i just wanted to be there for them. Alex daddy was always nice to me and really treated me as his half daughter just like mummy Carissa did. Both of them have been together for 31 years... and Alex daddy was mummy's 1st love. Broke my heart seeing the pain for them... And I can't help crying and tearing. The urge to call Eeyore is strong.. I feel like telling him everything.. Leaving Citi coz he's no longer working there.. That I still miss him and wish he's here for me.. To treasure life and the people around him.. That the dumb shit at my hous